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How To Create An Argumentative Essay
Wednesday, August 26, 2020
Literature Review on Contractual Issues Arising Claims
Writing Review on Contractual Issues Arising Claims Keeping away from development claims and debates requires comprehension of the authoritative terms, early no ill-disposed correspondence, and comprehension of reasons for claims.(Cheryl Semple, Francis T. Hartman, and George Jergeas) recognize a portion of the basic component in development contract, and explores the reasons for claims, classifications of pay of cases and agreement provisions cited in claims by concentrating skyscraper high rise and institutional structures. Development contract decides the reason for the connection between the gatherings engaged with it. An agreement is a guarantee or understanding that the law will uphold. Development contract are frequently long, complex archive, thus, contradiction or debates can emerge with respect to authoritative commitments or desires, when one gathering feels that the legally binding commitments or desires have not been meet and they fell that they merit money related as well as time pay they may present a case. A case is ch aracterized as an assertation to one side to cure, help or property (Canadian Law Directory) Right now development industry in UAE has number of questions shows up as a result of contested in authoritative archive and poor coordination when all is said in done and specific state of agreement. UAE is quickly developing nation as far as development and heaps of rivalry for getting the undertaking due to that contractual workers are offering less and guaranteeing more sums. A customer attempts to diminish the over totally cost of venture and temporary workers attempts to get more benefit and result is questions emerge. Each guarantee put together by the contractual worker puts presser on customer and subsequently it influence expanding property cost. That is the reason development guarantee are considered as the most terrible occasion in development industry. Cases can be diminished by legitimate course of action of extent of work in contract archive. Agreement is the report which clarifies all rolls and liabilities of the gatherings engaged with it. With the end goal of study for dissecting legally binding issues writing survey is isolated in two sections. Initial segment will talk about on Contract law as a rule and specific terms utilized in arrangement of development contract. Second section will talk about on Claims under FIDIC contract and past examination in claims. 1 Introduction to contract law 1.1 Legal frameworks A legitimate framework, is a framework for recognizing genuine circumstances where the state will force endorses on an individual (criminal law), where one individual can look for review from someone else (common law), and where an individual can challenge choices of the state and open bodies, for example, neighborhood specialists (authoritative law)1. For instance: If somebody takes property having a place with another with the expectation of for all time denying them of that property, this is classified by the criminal law as a wrongdoing (robbery) for which the state can look for a request for detainment, a fine or both. A similar direct is arranged by the common law as a tort (known as transformation) for which the individual whose property is taken can look for a request requiring the individual taking the property to return it, to pay (harms), or both. In the event that the property is taken by the state or an open body in illegitimate exercise of a legal or other force, the ch oice to do so can be tested in authoritative law by looking for an assertion that it is invalid and ought to be rethought. 1.2 Criminal, common and regulatory law The criminal law is essentially worried about the burden of fines and detainment looked for by the state against people. The common law is worried about granting remuneration and making orders for one individual against another. Managerial law is basically worried about making orders concerning the regulatory activities of the state and open bodies. 1.3 Obtaining change The typical methods for acquiring change is in a courtroom. The criminal courts, principally the Magistrates Courts and the Crown Court, are worried about review in regard of criminal issues .The common courts, fundamentally the County Courts and the High Court, are worried about change in regards to common cases. In numerous nations, a different court is set up to manage claims concerning the managerial activities of the state and open bodies, however this isn't the situation in all over the place, where regulatory law matters are managed by the High Court. The courts are not by any means the only methods for getting review in numerous common issues. 1.4 The common law of commitments Every one of the chief divisions of law criminal law, common law and managerial law contains various regions. The development that is applicable to this distribution, and to the arrangement of which it frames part, is that piece of the common law worried about the law of commitments. 1.5 Obligations in agreement and tort The law of commitments has, thus, two sections: the law of agreement and the law of torts. In the law of agreement, a people commitments are principally established on understanding and are, all in all, owed distinctly to the next gathering to the understanding, not to people by and large. Since commitments owed in contract are established on understanding, they can be as prescriptive and point by point as the gatherings wish and their understanding requires. For instance, concurred commitments can concern the advancement of an office hinder as per itemized prerequisites, or the organizing of a drawn out business relationship, for example, an organization. It is difficult to direct such connections utilizing just the law of torts, since commitments in tort are excessively summed up. In the law of torts, a people commitments are principally dictated by general standards of law and are, conventionally, owed to people for the most part. Since commitments owed in tort are forced as a fea ture of the general law, they are communicated as general gauges of lead. For instance: the commitment to practice sensible expertise and care so as not to make injury or harm others shapes the premise of the tort of carelessness; the commitment not to irrationally meddle with a people use or delight in their territory frames the premise of the tort of disturbance. The two pieces of the law of commitments are critical for the development business. Work on a structure venture, for example, the arrangement of advisor administrations, development or materials, will normally be done under an agreement since this is the main way that commitments having the necessary definition and exactness can be given lawful power. Be that as it may, the work gave may, if inadequate, cause harm not exclusively to the individual with whom those commitments are concurred yet to other people, for example, nearby landowners, clients and resulting proprietors of the venture. While the individual or people w ith whom the agreement is made will, normally, have the option to look for review in the law of agreement, the individuals who are not gatherings to that agreement should look for change in the law of torts. The law of agreement is of basic significance for the development business in light of the fact that the agreement is the primary vehicle for those taking a shot at a venture to be locked in, their commitments are controlled and review evaluated if things turn out badly. The law of torts has an auxiliary significance if things do turn out badly. 1.6 Rights and commitments The law is frequently examined as far as commitments, there is, when all is said in done, for every commitment a relating right .Thus, a commitment not to preposterously meddle with a people use or pleasure in land can be seen, from the point of view of a landowner, as an option to appreciate and utilize their property liberated from such outlandish impedance. A commitment to play out the conditions of an understanding can be seen from the different partys point of view as an option to have those commitments performed. In contract law, these rights and commitments are frequently alluded to as the advantages and weights of the agreement. 1.7 Defining an agreement There are different definitions that endeavor to epitomize the basic idea of an agreement. The definition that is most promptly reasonable in a business setting is that an agreement is an understanding that offers ascend to commitments, and relating rights, that the law will perceive and authorize. Since an agreement is established on understanding, the gatherings are free, inside wide cutoff points, to concur the commitments to which they wish to be bound. This is known as the convention of opportunity of agreement. That is to say, at any rate in a business setting, that the gatherings to an agreement will customarily be limited by the understanding they make, anyway wrong, uneven or even ruinous that understanding may end up being for one of them. The result of the convention of opportunity of agreement is that an individual can't be compelled to contract. In a business setting this implies, if terms can't be concurred, either gathering to the dealings can leave, anyway awkward or exorbitant, as far as sat around and cash, this is for the other party. It might be conceivable to split off arrangements and leave regardless of whether work has initiated fully expecting a proposed agreement. When an agreement is finished up, it ties the gatherings in law. On the off chance that involved with an agreement neglects to consent to its commitments under the agreement, the other can look for review for that disappointment. This should be possible, as proper, by authorizing a privilege to installment (a case in the red), by looking for budgetary remuneration for misfortunes endured because of the disappointment (a case in harms for penetrate of agreement) or, in specific conditions where monetary pay doesn't give satisfactory change, by a request that the defaulting party play out its commitments (a case for explicit execution) or quit acting in break of its commitments (a directive). For instance, if a specialist neglects to perform administrations the individual in question has contracted to give, the customer can look for harms dependent on the extra expense of getting substitute execution from another advisor. On the off chance that a business neglects to pay for work gave by an agreement
Saturday, August 22, 2020
Organisations for information technology professionals
Official Summary:Whether we like it or non we are totally affected by marking, from the clothes we wear to what we eat, push and expend. Despite the fact that we know about corporate derision and selling, individual trashing is where you focus on the achievements and properties that make you stand apart from the rest of your equivalents. In his book â€Å" 7 Habits of very strong individuals †, Stephen R Covey utilizes an incredible visual picture working out, where perusers are approached to imagine themselves at the memorial service of a companion simply to identify that it is their ain burial service. He gets some information about what they would want their family unit, companions, associates and network to state about them at their burial service ( Covey, 1999 ) . I accept that by focusing on the properties found through this practicing I will hold a more noteworthy misgiving of my ain individual exchange name furthermore recognize the qualities at the core of my ain self image. In my task I have audited writing and articles to put the stairss which could be followed to better close to home disparagement and have so applied these to my ain individual spot. I other than coursed a survey to gauge awareness of exchange names and to quantify my equivalent ‘s perceptual experience of the exchange name â€Å" Paul Delaney †. By focusing on the perceptual encounters of others, I will put any premises I have about my ain individual exchange name and help happen nations requiring advancement. As an executive taking a crew of nine workers, I should build up an alternate achievement set to achieve achievement. This task will help to put achievements, individual properties and highlights that can be created to elevate my notoriety and remaining among my equals.Table of ContentssIntroduction 1 What is close to home criticism? 1 What is Brand Equity? 2 What are the 4 kinds of capital and how would they partner to me? 3 How might I better my ain individual exchange name? 5 Make a Personal Brand Statement 5 Make a Personal Mission Statement 5 Update my sketch 6 Utilize the â€Å" 5 twelvemonth sketch †strategy 6 Join organizations for Information Technology experts 10 Build up my trap of contacts 10 Proceed with Charity Work 11 Pick a proper Leadership Style 12 Build up the 7 wonts of amazingly strong individuals 14 Individual Branding Survey 17 Presentation 17 Section 1 †Brand Recognition 18 Section 2 †Brand Reputation 19 Section 3 †Appraisal of exchange name â€Å" Paul Delaney †20 Choice 26 List of sources 31 Index 1: Survey on Personal Branding and perceptual encounters of the author 32 Index 2: My Current Resume 43 Index 3: My 5 Year Resume 45 Index 4: Agenda for the coming hebdomad 47IntroductionWhat is close to home stigmatization?Ad and selling importantly affects our own picks from the attire we wear to the supplement that we devour. We are constantly having messages from advertizements to convey us to buy their product over that of an opponent. To make this, selling organizations endeavor to tie in their exchange name with the qualities which they accept their customer base is keen on ( for example doing a product all the more earth cordial and so forth ) . Individual trashing is a little unique in that you are the product being promoted. In any case, it has numerous similitudes to corporate derision †you need to be related with the qualities that you accept do your exchange name particular ( for example solid diagnostic achievements and so forth ) . Orchestrating to William Arruda, individual slander is â€Å" cognizing what ‘s solid to you, recognizing from your equivalents and significant and obliging to your imprint crowd, and using that to make your closures †( Martin, 2009 ) . By focusing on what separates you from your equivalents, you can better your exchange name equity.What is Brand Equity?In his article â€Å" Developing your Personal Brand Equity †, Alan Vitberg ( Vitberg, 2010 ) said that individual exchange name value comprises of ; The impalpable worth people have in footings of capacity to follow up on others by utilizing their experience, expertness and notoriety. The connections they have assembled and kept up. The touchable worth they get footings of part to their boss. To better your own exchange name, Vitberg suggests that every individual ought to get somewhere near answering one request â€Å" What makes you unique and for what reason should individuals care? †and use this to develop an individual exchange name statement.What are the 4 kinds of capital and how would they partner to me?In her book â€Å" Pierre Bordieu and Cultural Theory †, Bridget Fowler alludes to 4 sorts of capital ( Fowler, 1997 ) ;Social CapitalSocial capital identifies with the total of impact and the figure of connections I have inside the snare of individuals I know either socially or expertly. The recommendation is that by expanding the figure of individuals in my web that I can trust on them to back up me in the midst of issue ( for example for example, helping to happen me an occupation on the off chance that I am made excess ) . In twist, I can use my web to back up others from my web ( for example I discovered occupation chances for my sibling when h e was made excess ) . To build my web, I have joined the online expert web â€Å" LinkedIn †. I presently have more than 50 associations with different experts with whom I have come into contact. I have other than joined the well known cultural systems administration â€Å" Facebook †to build my cultural web.Symbolic CapitalSymbolic capital identifies with the evaluation of notoriety and respect that I have inside my expert and individual life. Respondents in the examination finished as part of this task evaluated me incredibly in footings of honestness and trustiness. This is extremely positive affirmation from my equivalents and one that I am extremely glad to distinguish. The second regularly recognized property that respondents gave in the investigation was that I was solid and reliable. Once more, this is sure in that it tends to be contended that holding a notoriety for being solid and reliable outcomes in higher emblematic capital.Cultural CapitalCultural capital is difficult to mensurate, in spite of the fact that I have made progress in the nation of instructive makings. I was granted a first class respect in my undergrad grade which recognizes me from the others in my twelvemonth as only a sprinkling of alumnuss accomplished this level of making. Moreover, in take separating in the MSc in Business Management in NUI Maynooth I am separating myself from my equivalents in that solitary 3 of different chiefs in EBS IT have accomplished/are trying to achieve a Masters certificate making.Economic CapitalThis feature of Bourdieu ‘s hypothesis identifies with responsibility for, divides and all around any financial wagess. I do non have any stock s or bits, yet late purchased my ain spot. I other than have a figure of humble investings.How would i be able to better my ain individual exchange name?Make a Personal Brand StatementBased on an article by Alan Vitberg ( Vitberg, 2010 ) , I have made an individual exchange name articulation. Having an individual exchange name articulation will help me to focus on the properties and highlights that characterize how I need to be seen. â€Å" I am a steady and trusty endeavor chief with a notoriety for going to thing and holding solid occupation work trip achievements. I have in excess of 5 mature ages involvement with taking a crew of IT experts from different subjects, in introducing fruitful endeavors for a monetary administrations organization on cut and inside financial plan †.Make a Personal Mission StatementIn his book â€Å" 7 Habits of Highly Effective Peoples †( Covey, 1999 ) , Covey proposes that should focus on what you need to be ( character ) and to make ( parts and achievements ) and on the qualities or rule whereupon being and making are based. I have other than drawn from the examination in Appendix 1, to identify the properties and achievements which I connected with to help build this statement of purpose. By all the time reconsidering this statement of purpose, I trust that it will help me to keep up concentrated on the character and qualities that I regard to be of import. I need to be effective at place chief, so in my calling, I need to be known for being straightforward and reliable, I need to be known as a fair and understanding foreman who can activate workers, I need to be known for introducing great endeavors †on cut and inside financial plan, I need to be viewed as to a greater degree a daring person, I need to be all the more friendly and run into more people.Update my sketchLike numerous individuals, it has been some clasp since I have refreshed my sketch. Frankly, the last clasp I refreshed my sketch was in 1998 when searching for my flow occupation. I will make my ain sketch ( allude to Appendix 2 ) with a point of convergence on what I have accomplished in my calling.Use the â€Å" 5 twelvemonth sketch †techniqueI have followed the â€Å" 5 twelvemonth sketch †stairss as laid out in an article by Dennis and Ruth Laker in the Journal of Management Education ( Laker and Laker, 2007 ) . In this article they propose that mapping out where you are currently against where you need to be in 5 mature ages will hinder calling driving force. As cited in Laker and A ; Laker, Jack Welsh, CEO of General Electric said â€Å" Manage your destiny, or individual else will †. I accept this quote implies that every one of us ought to be proactive and pull off our ain calling to ensure we accomplish what we need to achieve, be this exposure, work life parity or self betterment.Measure 1 †Make a Current SketchThis measure is finished ; amuse notice to Appendix 2 †My Current Resume.Measure 2 †Make a Resume for 5 mature ages in the hereafterIn this measure I concentrated on what I would wish my sketch to look like in 5 mature ages cut
Monday, August 17, 2020
Pommes et manus
Pommes et manus The Annual Burton-Conner Apple Bake: Sunday, October 23 in the Porter Room Win as much as $500 for your floor, the most prize money ever! Apples will be provided by your GRT on Friday, October 21. Entries are due Sunday the 23rd at 3:00pm in the Porter Room. Winners will be announced around 4:00pm and eating will commence. $500 in prize money will be awarded in the following categories: -Apple Pie -Apple Cobbler, Crisp, or Cake -Apple Sculpture -Appetizer -Entree -Most Creative -Best Overall Entries are judged by the Floor Faculty Fellows, MIT Staff, MIT Housemasters, and their families. Plan your strategy and test your recipes while you have the time. Remember, there are five unique categories, so improve your floors chances of winning by entering in all five! Happy Cooking! Apple Bake has been a fall culinary tradition in Burton-Conner for the past N years. About 5 years ago, some sophomores from Conner 2 decided that theyd had enough of seeing so many other floors entries in the competition, so they went all-out, white-knuckle, Tom-Cruise insane with baking for an entire weekend, flooded the field, and won most of the prize money. Well, these folks graduated two years ago, so last year I decided to step up and become the floors new Apple Bake Chair (TM). No other floor actually has an Apple Bake Chair. While a lot of people on the other floors go out, buy some ingredients, and make a few dishes, Conner 2 organizes a mass shopping trip for over $100 of food the Friday before the competition, assuming that well end up winning at least as much as our initial investment anyway Its truly glorious to see the floor in the hours immediately preceding apple bakeperhaps my finest moment as a human being was last fall when, as a result of the competition being on Saturday instead of Sunday, I baked for 16 straight hours and, finding myself completely out of counter space, threw myself onto the kitchen floor to begin rolling out pizza dough on a cutting board. This year, I was a bit more organized and had an extra day to bake, so although I became a little stressed out, I was still able to crank out a few dishes: -homemade apple butter -apple chicken salad -apple pecan cheesecake -Jewish apple cake with apples Foster topping -apple chicken soup for the soul -apple-filled baked acorn squash -brown rice apple cobbler -apples creme brulee -sweet potato apple pie Ultimately, none of these ended up winning anythingthey awarded only one prize in each category instead of two, and my work wasnt so fantastic as to win an entire category. Still, its gratifying to know that my own work made up 5-10% of the total entries into the competition. Conner 2 did end up cooking just under half of the total entries, winning three of the seven categories (including Best Overall for an apple butternut squash soup) and taking home about half of the prize money once again. Pictures! Richard 09 demonstrates our floors communal apple implement of doom, which cores, peels, and spiral-cuts an apple for you. One of the awesome things about this implement is that it gives you one continuous, thin peeland theres an apple sculpture category. Hmm Freshman year, somebody braided 3^3 apples into a lovely, violet-accented wreath. This year, we came up with this: Not to be confused. This actually did not win apple sculpture, hard as it is to believe, because it was up against this: Also, check out the apple pi in the background. Big Ben is nice, but I guess you cant really compete against school pride. Well, maybe you can. Ruth 07 and Richard 09 also spent a few hours or so assembling this: But, still, Tim emerged victorious in the sculpture category. Next year, watch out for my apple Susan Hockfield. Diana 08 went to the trouble of bringing out a pasta maker and making her own ravioli dough, a process which took about three consecutive nights of work even longer than the 24 hours it took to cook my apple butter. It goes without saying that they were amazing. I actually invented the idea of using lab goggles to chop onions (wheres my Nobel prize? or at least Ig Nobel prize?), but Ruth 07 models it so much better than I. We bought enough groceries to reach Adelaide 09s waist!. Actually, to be fair, these were also for Freshman Dinner (alluded to by Laura) and a camping trip sponsored by MITOC, but still, the fact that we spent $300 groceries in Inman Square is still quite an accomplishment. Our floor t-shirts. If youd like one, just send me an e-mailweve got a ton left over and theyre only 9 dollars plus shipping! Just think, a t-shirt designed, purchased, and lovingly packed by real MIT students. Youll be the coolest kid around. And my all-time favorite apple bake entry? Mitras Pomme-Pom salad. Apples and pomegranates, served in a hollowed-out pomegranate. Anytime you serve in a hollowed-out anything, you get a million extra points. EDIT: Turns out they did hand out second place prizes. Notice that 90% of the awards went to Conner side, which contains but 40% of the dorms residents. Conner 2, which contains about 10% of the dorms residents, won 40.5% of the prize money after cooking 46% of all the dishes entered. Okay, so maybe we werent 100% efficient but remember, the entropy of the universe increases in all natural processes. Best Overall: Summer Austin, Apple butternut squash soup appetizer, C2 Most Creative: Apple sculpture cake, B2 Apple Pie Winner: Katrina Saufrieta, Apple pie turnover, C5 Second place: Sam Maurer, Apple suite potatoe pie, C2 Apple Cake, Cobbler, or Crisp Winner: Amy Daitch, Apple Almond Tart, C3 Second place: Sam Maurer, Brown rice apple cobbler, C2 Entree Winner: Zach Bailey, Apple-walnut stuffed pork, C2 Second place: Amy Tang Gemma Mendel, Apple waldorf sandwiches, C3 Appetizer Winner: Summer Austin, Apple butternut squash soup, C2 Second place: Amy Daitch, Apple chicken with apple dipping sauce, C3 Apple Scupture Winner: Becky Kisko, Tim the Beaver, C4 Second place: Ariel Esposito, Killian Court, C5 Apple Other Winner: Samantha Burke, Plonge de pomme, C4 Second place: Sam Mauer [sic], Apple creme brulee, C2 Rock on. Post Tagged #Burton-Conner House
Sunday, May 24, 2020
The Cask Of Amontillado By Edgar Allan Poe - 1182 Words
Syed Ali Ali 1 English 126 CD3 Professor Stapleton December 8th 2014 Revenge Revenge drives the action in â€Å"The Cask of Amontillado.†In Edgar Allan Poe’s â€Å"A Cask of Amontillado†, one character’s betrayal sets forth vengeful events, which occurs below ground in a catacomb. The narrator Montresor leads Fortunato, his â€Å"friend†, to his doom. Behind all this revenge and death, trust is a big theme of it. Without trust, there is no feeling of betrayal. This particular story has much to do with the lengths a human will go to achieve what they desire when they seek mortal revenge. In the following, I will examine the different aspects of what the purpose of revenge is in Poe’s tale. â€Å"The thousand injuries of Fortunato I had borne as I best could; but when he ventured upon insult, I vowed revenge†(14). These are the first words of Edgar Allan Poe’s tale. They are also the first words of the protagonist Montresor speaking about his â€Å"friend†Fortunato. â€Å"I must not only punish , but punish with impunity†(14). This tells us readers the motive and the intention of his plan towards Fortunato. By the way he opens the tale in the first sentence saying â€Å"he ventured upon insult†, it tells us that he did not physically get hurt but his honor has been damaged. Montresor also states the â€Å"thousand injuries he had borne†, meaning that he had endured many injuries in the past however, Fortunato ventured upon insult. This infliction that Fortunato has caused has to be punished toShow MoreRelatedThe Cask of Amontillado by Edgar Allan Poe888 Words  | 4 PagesThe Cask of Amontillado by Edgar Allan Poe In ?The Cask of Amontillado?, Edgar Allan Poe takes us on a trip into the mind of a mad man. Poe uses certain elements to convey an emotional impact. He utilizes irony, descriptive detail of setting, and dark character traits to create the search of sinful deceit. Poe also uses first person, where the narrator is the protagonist who is deeply involved. The purpose is to get the reader to no longer be the observer. He wants them to see with MontressorRead MoreThe Cask of Amontillado by Edgar Allan Poe836 Words  | 3 Pagesqualities in the story. In the story many things are used as symbols such as the actual cask of amontillado, the trowel, the jester costume and the setting in which there is two in the story. Another literary technique used significantly in the story is irony. Irony is the expression of ones meaning by using language that normally signifies the opposite. In the short story â€Å"The Cask of Amontillado,†Montresor a very troubled man who plans to seek revenge on another man named FortunatoRead MoreEdgar Allan Poe And The Cask Of Amontillado1384 Words  | 6 PagesWhat makes Edgar Allan Poe work unique? Other than being a strange individual, Poe has become a remarkable literature writer. The Raven, Annabel Lee, and The Cask of Amontillado are just a few of Poe’s work that staples the theme of gothic literature. This essay will allow you to see the gothic elements Edgar Allan Poe uses through his most common poems. Gothic literature has many elements which play into its definition. The actual definition is a style of writing that is characterized by elementsRead MoreThe Cask Of Amontillado By Edgar Allan Poe906 Words  | 4 Pages â€Å"The Cask of Amontillado†â€Å"The Cask of Amontillado†was written in 1846, by Edgar Allan Poe. Born in 1809, Poe never knew any of his parents. At the age of three, his mother died of tuberculosis, and his father deserted the family before he was born. Taking care of him was his foster parents in Richmond, Virginia. They loved Poe, but were not supportive of his decisions and kept Poe poor. Having debt and not being able to provide food and clothes for himself caused Poe to quit school. Later, heRead MoreThe Cask Of Amontillado By Edgar Allan Poe920 Words  | 4 Pageswhen that trust no longer exists? In â€Å"The Cask of Amontillado†written by Edgar Allan Poe, Fortunato is about to find the answer to this question. On the surface, Montresor seems friendly with Fortunato, but deep down he feels nothing but hate for him. Could this hatred have an irrationality that only Montresor understands? In different ways, both of these men are proud and affluent, yet both have downfalls that will l ead to a tragic ending. Edgar Allan Poe’s use of language contributes to the understandingRead MoreThe Cask Of Amontillado By Edgar Allan Poe1555 Words  | 7 PagesIn his writing, Edgar Allan Poe has multiple uses of direct and indirect characterization. In The Cask of Amontillado, Montresor had rules such as â€Å"I must not only punish but punish with impunity. A wrong is unredressed when retribution overtakes its redresser. It is equally unredressed when the avenger fails to make himself felt as such to him who has done the wrong†(Poe, 2). Poe used indirect characterization to show the reader that Montresor is an unreliable narrator because he justified hisRead MoreThe Cask Of Amontillado By Edgar Allan Poe1303 Words  | 6 PagesIn Edgar Allan Poe’s â€Å"The Cask of Amontillado,†the narrator recalls an extremely significant time in his life, and takes the reader along with him. Throughout the story, one experiences a perfectly planned murder which took place over fifty years ago, and still no one has discovered what truly happened to poor Fortunato as he was chained to a wall in a room that was then closed off, and torched to death due to all the nitre in the walls. As the story goes on, the reader can see some of Poe’s unfortunateRead MoreThe Cask Of Amontillado By Edgar Allan Poe1076 Words  | 5 PagesThe short story, The Cask of Amontillado, written by Edgar Allan Poe is a story of terror and betrayal. Like many of Poe’s literary works, the story has a dark undertone with a theme of terror and depression. More than half a century ago, Marshall McLuhan argued that though Poe was fascinated by evil, the evil that he had in mind was not that of Calvinism, but that of the split man and the split civilization. In general, McLuhan was right, but in this instance Calvinism, and its God, provided a darkRead MoreThe Cask Of Amontillado By Edgar Allan Poe707 Words  | 3 PagesIn the short story of The Ca sk of Amontillado, Edgar Allan Poe writes in first person point of view from the perspective of Montresor who seeks revenge against Fortunato. Montresor began to develop the perfect plan for revenge. During the carnival season, Montresor meets with Fortunato and decides to implement his plan carefully through irony. Poe s story describes the murderer s mind which has lived as a memory of Fortunato s death for fifty years. Poe uses different types of irony and symbolismRead MoreThe Cask Of Amontillado By Edgar Allan Poe985 Words  | 4 PagesEdgar Allen Poe is a well known author of short stories and poetry from the 19th century. He is known especially for his stories of horror and suspense. The Cask of Amontillado is one of his more famous pieces. The story follows the narrator, Montresor, as he exacts revenge on Fortunato. Montressor draws Fortunato into the wine cellar where eventually he chains Fortunato to the wall and encloses him inside it. Throughout the story the narrator continually proves that he is not the most reliable source
Wednesday, May 13, 2020
Compare Theodore Roosevelts Square Deal with Woodrow...
Theodore Roosevelts Square Deal and Woodrow Wilsons New Freedom, were both programs of reform. Roosevelt covered more areas of reform than Wilson (who focused mainly on economy), and was more of a progressive than Wilson was. As a governor and the first president of the era, Roosevelt set a terrific example of what a president of this time should do. Progressing from bad, and implementing various reforms to do so defined the era. These two programs are comparable in the areas of antitrust, tariff, and labor reform. Though Wilson seemed to have many more acts in each category, mostly economic), he only acknowledged these few areas, unlike Roosevelt who acknowledged a whole array of areas such as labor, economy, politics, consumer†¦show more content†¦Thus his policy was known as New Freedom. Under the New Freedom he sought to restore power to competition among small corporations rather that regulate large monopolies. Roosevelts Square Deal and Wilsons New Freedom were policie s that they used to help improve American economy, society and politics. However Roosevelt tried to reform many areas, Wilsons focus of reform was mostly economic. (Gould, 97-100) (Auchincloss, 62,81,91,116, 127) (Whitelaw, 104,11-120,135,138,145-146, 162) A major part of both policies was the breaking up and regulating of trusts. Roosevelt never wanted to dissolve or destroy the large corporations rather he saw them as necessary parts of American life. However he felt that these companies must be bounded tightly to strict moral standards. Roosevelt followed the idea of rules of reason which was the policy of busting bad trusts, leaving good ones alone. He was the person who would decide which trusts were good and which ones were bad. He earned the name of trustbuster when he had filed a suit against the Northern Securities Company (which was followed by 43 other cases). This was Roosevelts first case, in which he filed a suit against a large corporation for the purpose of trust busting. The Northern Securities Company was a large holding company that was formed by railroad and banking interests. InShow MoreRelatedOne Significant Change That Has Occurred in the World Between 1900 and 2005. Explain the Impact This Change Has Made on Our Lives and Why It Is an Important Change.163893 Words  | 656 PagesAutotown, U.S.A. Van Gosse and Richard Moser, eds., The World the Sixties Made: Politics and Culture in Recent America Joanne Meyerowitz, ed., History and September 11th John McMillian and Paul Buhle, eds., The New Left Revisited David M. Scobey, Empire City: The Making and Meaning of the New York City Landscape Gerda Lerner, Fireweed: A Political Autobiography Allida M. Black, ed., Modern American Queer History Eric Sandweiss, St. Louis: The Evolution of an American Urban Landscape Sam Wineburg
Wednesday, May 6, 2020
Analysis of the Human Attitude Free Essays
Surveying the Human Attitude Melissa Hightower November 19, 2012 PSY475 University of Phoenix Surveying the Human Attitude Attitude can be seen in many parts of a daily routine of an individual. The significance of measuring attitude has become important in many areas of our society. Employers want to measure attitude of employees, while customers on the other side of the counter view att Attitude Survey The measure of attitudes is of great importance in a consumer driven economy, such as the one that exists in the United States today. We will write a custom essay sample on Analysis of the Human Attitude or any similar topic only for you Order Now Psychologists use attitude surveys to translate subjective attitudes of people into empirical data. Attitudes themselves are distinguishable from interests and personality traits, in that attitudes are usually attached to an object (Hogan, 2007). The construct of attitude actually encompasses the cognitive, affective, and behavioral thoughts, feelings, and actions that a person exhibits in reaction toâ€â€or as a result ofâ€â€an object. For the purposes of this paper I designed an attitude survey using a selected-response format that is built upon the precepts of the SERVQUAL approach to attitude assessment. The purpose of the survey is to assess the attitudes and perceptions that University of Phoenix (UOP) students exhibit at graduation about UOP itself. The intention of this paper is to discuss the design, administration, scoring, and interpretation of the survey as well as any issues I experienced while creating the survey. Design The target audience for this survey is UOP graduates that attended at least their sophomore and senior college years at UOP. The particular trait to be measured is the attitude that graduating students hold towards UOP after graduations. The survey should be administered electronically via the UOP student login page after graduation. There are 11 items in the survey and should take no more than 1-2 minutes to complete. I did this on purpose, because I know from experience that I hate taking long surveys when all I really wanted to do was log into UOP online. The survey uses the Likert scale to measure attitude, with the possible answers of strongly disagree, disagree, neutral, agree, strongly agree with the corresponding scores of -2, -1, 0, +1, and +2, respectively. The score report is used to compile the individual scores into a descriptive format. The item stems are the assertions themselves and the responses are gauged through the Likert scale, otherwise known as the method of summated ratings (Hogan, 2007). The basic proposition of the Likert scale is that one attitudinal construct is at the basis of all of the items. All of the statements that I proposed are about the attitude of the graduate toward UOP and therefore addresses this concern. Administration, Scoring, and Interpretation The survey should be administered by UOP personnel and not the teachers. It would not do for the results of the survey to be skewed by the last class experience. This factor cannot be done away with entirely, but it can be minimized by having the survey administered by UOP personnel rather than a teacher. Moreover, in a general sense the lower the score the less the satisfaction and the higher the score the lower the satisfaction. The directionality of the scores are all in the same direction, meaning that a rating of strongly disagree always corresponds to a more unfavorable attitude toward UOP. However, it is important that the survey items be tried out on a large variety of students at UOP and the scores tabulated in advance. These scores will act as a means to convert the raw scores that will be collected when the test is actually distributed on a large scale to normed scores, which are more useful for interpretation. For instance, if there is universal tendency to score one item extremely negative, then the raw scores of the actual test can be mediated to take into account this propensity. For the purposes of a general attitude survey negative scores reflect negative perceptions and thoughts about UOP and positive scores the opposite. Issues Experienced While Creating Survey The SERVQUAL approach to attitude surveys is specifically designed for quantifying service quality and product satisfaction in the retail industry (Gob, 2007). As the SERVQUAL approach applies to this attitude survey, the main point of any survey is to ascertain the examinees expectations, perceptions and the gap between them. Therefore, I tried to design items to measure both the expectations of the UOP student as well as their perception of the item in question. This will increase the validity of the interpretation that lower scores equal less satisfaction and vice versa, since the items not only deal with the student’s actual perception, but their expectations as well. I also tried to encompass the entire spectrum of measurementsâ€â€cognitive, affective, and behavioralâ€â€when considering the items to be administered. I am not comfortable with simple self-reported tests. They seem too subjective and too circumstantial. The items should gauge observable behavior, past feelings, and current thoughts about the construct being measured. Conclusion In sum, the attitude survey that I created follows the Likert scale method to gauge the overall satisfaction of UOP students, with an emphasis on both the perception and expectation of the items. The survey also attempts to measure the cognitive, affective, and behavioral components of the construct being tested. The purpose of the survey was to ascertain the general attitude that UOP students have toward the University of Phoenix at graduation. References Gob, R. (2007). Ordinal methodology in the analysis of Likert scales. Quality Quantity, 41(5),601-626. Retrieved July 24, 2010, from SocINDEX with Full Text database. How to cite Analysis of the Human Attitude, Essay examples
Monday, May 4, 2020
Nursing Practice Pathophysiolgy and Pharmacology
Question: Describe cardiac remodelling and discuss this with relation to Kevin. Answer: Introduction: Kevin is diagnosed with Atrial Fibrillation (AF). AF is a disease of the cardiovascular system and is associated with the increase in the heart beat and irregular heart rhythm. AF is classified into first detected, paroxysmal, persistent and permanent based on the frequency of episodes of AF. In AF, pathological changes occur both in heart and blood vessels. Thromboembolism and cardiovascular accident are closely associated with AF. Different types of medications like medications for heart rate and thromboembolism required for AF patients. Lifestyle changes also required for AF patients to maintain a healthy life. In this essay,all these aspects related to AF are discussed. Discussion: AF can be classified into four categories like first detected, paroxysmal, persistent and permanent. First detected AF patients have only one diagnosed episode. These patients may or may not have earlier unnoticed AF episode. If the episodes continue for less than seven days and stop on its own, it is classified as Paroxysmal. From the literature, it is evident that these Paroxysmal episodes stop within 24 hours. If these episodes continue for more than seven days, then there are no chances of stopping these episodes on their own. These AF episodes which continue more than seven days are termed as persistent episodes. These persistent episodes can be stopped by cardioversion. Cardioversion is the procedure by which heart rate and rhythm can be controlled by using drugs or electric shock (Natale and Jalife, 2008). Main goals of treatment of AF in Kevin should be the prevention of cardiomyopathy and improvement in symptoms mainly occurred due to stroke and tachycardia. Kevin should also be provided with an anticoagulant. Kevin should be provided with treatment for normalization of heart rate (Kingma et a., 2012). Main pathologic alteration occurs in AF is progressive fibrosis of atria. This fibrosis mainly occurs due to the dilation of atria, however, is some cases it may occur due to genetic factors and inflammation (Anumonwo and Kalifa, 2014). Structural alteration of the heart is responsible for the dilation of atria, and it leads to the augmented pressure in the heart. Increased pressure may lead heart problems like valvular heart disease, hypertension and congestive heart disease in Kevin. Inflammation and followed by fibrosis may occur in Kevin due to sarcoidosis and autoantibodies against myosis heavy chains. Lamin AC gene mutation is also responsible for the fibrosis of atria. Atrial dilation is responsible for the activation of the rennin-aldosterone angiotensin system (RAAS). Activation of RAAS leads to the release of matrix metalloproteinases and disintegrin. This lead to the atrial remodeling comprising of fibrosis and loss of atrial muscle mass. Along with fibrosis of muscle mass , fibrosis might occurr in sinus node (SA node) and atrioventricular node (AV node) in Kevin. Alteration in the normal functioning of the SA node can be well correlated with the progressive episodes of AF. Alteration in heart rate and rhythm occurs due to overwhelmed response to impulse generated by the SA node (Iwasaki, et al., 2011). In Kevin, due to AF, there is the unorganized atrial contraction. Atrial contraction lead to the dormant blood in the left atrium (LA) or left atrial appendage (LAA). This accumulated blood without movement might lead to thrombus formation in Kevin. If this accumulated blood is carried by circulating blood, it is called as an embolus. This embolus proceeds through the small arteries and prevents the supply of nutrient and oxygen to the organs (Watson et al., 2009). Cerebrovascular accident (CVA) mainly occur due to the embolus in the artery to the brain. In CVA embolus plugs in the artery to the brain and prevents blood flow to the brain. This is called as an embolic stroke. As there is embolus formation in Kevin, it might lead to ischemic CVA. Ischemic CVA occurs due obstruction in the blood vessels supplying blood to the brain. Hemorrhagic CVA occurs due to weak blood vessels. Weak blood vessels ruptures and hemorrhage occurs. In Transient ischemic attack (TIA) blood flow to the br ain stops for short duration. This happens for the duration of fewer than 24 hours. This TIA doesnt produce permanent brain damage. However, it gives danger signal of stroke (Kishore et al., 2014; Asirvatham, 2014). Rate control medications are used in AF patients to reduce the rate of breathing. Rhythm management medications are used in case of AF patients to normalize rhythm of the heart beat. Rate control medications act by increasing extent of the block of AV node. This block results in the decrease in number of impulses to be conducted to the ventricles. blockers are used as first- line therapy for rate control in AF patients. Examples of cardioselective beta blockers are metoprolol, atenolol, bisoprolol, and nebivolol. Epinephrine and norepinephrine stimulate 1 receptors. This lead to the positive chronotropic and inotropic effect, which increase cardiac conduction velocity. Blockade of the 1 receptors can reduce cardiac conduction velocity and heart rate (Nguyen et a., 2013). For normalization Heart Rhythm, cardioconversion can be used in patients with AF. DC electrical shock can be used for the normalization of cardiac rhythm in AF patients. Amiodarone and dronedarone are the first line drugs, which can be used for the cardiac rhythm in AF patients. These drugs act by decreasing calcium permeability and increasing potassium permeability. By this, these drugs lower conduction rate and increase the duration of the refractory period of SA and AV node (Oishi and Xing, 2013; Al-Khatib, 2014). Novel oral anticoagulants (NOACs) are preferred for nonvalvular AF patients. Warfarin is a preferred treatment for AF patients. NOACs includes dabigatran and rivaroxaban. These NOACs act by competitively inhibiting thrombin. This thrombin plays a role in the conversion of fibrinogen into fibrin in the coagulation cascade. By this thrombus formation can be prevented. Mechanism of action of warfarin is to inhibit synthesis of vitamin K-dependent clotting factors such as Factors II, VII, IX, and X. Vitamin K is mainly responsible for the post ribosomal synthesis of vitamin k dependent clotting factors (Shenasa and Camm, 2015). NOACs protect AF patient in a better way as compared to the vitamin k dependent clotting factors. However, the risk of bleeding is more in NOACs as compared to the vitamin k dependent clotting factors. There is the possibility of skin necrosis with the use of vitamin k dependent clotting factors. Skin necrosis risk is not there in the patients with NOACs. Dietary restriction required in patients with warfarin. Dietary restriction not required in patients with NOACs. Hence, there is no much effect on the lifestyle of patient with NOACs. There are less drug-drug interactions in patients with NOACs as compared to the warfarin treatment (Gidwani et al., 2013). The uurse should make sure that Kevin consumes medications on a regular basis. The nurse should ask him knowledge about medication and give him knowledge about medication. By this, Kevin understands importance of the medication. As a result, he may consume medication on a regular basis. The nurse should tell him about the negative impact of non-consumption of medicine. The nurse should prepare schedule for his medicines. The nurse should involve Kevin for the preparation of medication schedule. By this way, he can remember time to take medicine. Information about medications increases the faith of Kevin in medications. His involvement in discussion regarding medication and the schedule preparation gives him feeling of dignity. The nurse should check his heart beat on a regular basis during the treatment period and inform Kevin about improvement in his condition due to consumption of medicine. This information may increase the interest of Kevin in medication consumption. After his dis charge, the nurse should take follow-up of his medication consumption through phone (Brown, et al., 2015; Gulanick and Myers, 2016). The nurse should provide education to Kevin about signs and symptoms of CVA. The nurse should tell Kevin about symptoms of CVA like the weakness of arm and limb, slurred speech, vision trouble, overall fatigue, fainting, difficulty in breathing, irritation and trouble in walking. These are very common symptoms, and these can be identified by common man also. Hence, the nurse can make sure that Kevin can identify danger signals of CVA. The nurse should advise Kevin to take food each day on same time. The nurse should also advise him to take a small amount of food at regular small intervals. The nurse should advise him to avoid more amount salt and fat containing food. The nurse should advise him to take food rich in vegetable, grains, and fruits. The nurse should advise him not to consume alcohol and coffee. The nurse should advise him to avoid smoking. Excessive weight is a risk factor for AF. Hence, the nurse should advise him to keep regular check on his body weight. Alcohol and co ffee can exaggerate episodes in AF. Nurse should advise Kevin to perform slight exercise on the regular basis. Exercise is useful in improving condition of AF. Also it is useful in reducing anxiety and fear. AF patients are at risk of developing anxiety and risk. The nurse should advise Kevin to take the regular breaks in his regular activities. The nurse should advise him to prepare his time table for food, daily activities, and medications. The nurse should ask him to follow relaxation procedure along with medications to reduce episodes of AF (Brown, et al., 2015; Gulanick and Myers, 2016). Conclusion: AF is a very complex disease. This disease is more common in elder patients and is associated with wide variety of symptoms. In AF, both anatomical and electrical changes occur. This is due to alteration in the functioning of the atria and ventricles. There should be multiple goals for the management of AF. The therapeutic strategy should be decided based on the severity of the disease. Selection of food and medication is very important for AF patient because food also has a prominent impact on the AF. Along with medication management, lifestyle changes are very important for the management of AF. Prevention of CAV is most challenging in patients with AF. Hence, special emphasis should be given to cure CAV and AF in Kevin. Nursing interventions comprising of medication and lifestyle aspects would be helpful for Kevin to recover from AF. References: Al-Khatib, S. M. (2014). Rate- and rhythm-control therapies in patients with atrial fibrillation: a systematic review. Annals of Internal Medicine, 160(11), 76073. Anumonwo, J.M., and Kalifa, J. (2014). Risk Factors and Genetics of Atrial Fibrillation. Cardiology clinics, 32(4), 485494. Asirvatham, S. J. (2014). Stroke in Atrial Fibrillation. Elsevier Health Sciences. Brown, D., Edwards, H., Seaton, L., Buckley, T. (2015). Lewis's Medical-Surgical Nursing: Assessment and Management of Clinical Problems. Elsevier Health Sciences. Gidwani, U.K., Sharma, S.K., and Kini, A.S. (2013). Cardiovascular Intensive Care, An Issue of Cardiology Clinics. Elsevier Health Sciences. Gulanick, M., and Myers, J. L. (2016). Nursing Care Plans: Nursing Diagnosis and Intervention. Elsevier Health Sciences. Iwasaki, Y.K., Nishida, K., Kato, T., and Nattel, S. (2011). Atrial Fibrillation Pathophysiology. Implications for Management. Circulation, 24, 2264-2274 Kingma, J.H., van Hemel, N.M., and Lie, K.J. (2012). Atrial Fibrillation, a Treatable Disease? Springer Science Business Media. Kishore, A., Vail, A., Majid, A., Dawson, J., Lees, K.R., Tyrrell, P.J., Smith, C.J. (2014). Detection of atrial fibrillation after ischemic stroke or transient ischemic attack: a systematic review and meta-analysis. Stroke; a journal of cerebral circulation, 45(2), 52026. Oishi, M.L., and Xing, S. (2013). Atrial fibrillation: management strategies in the emergency department. Emergency medicine practice, 15(2), 126. Natale, A., and Jalife, J. (2008). Atrial Fibrillation: From Bench to Bedside. Springer Science Business Media. Nguyen, T.N., Hilmer, S.N; Cumming, R.G. (2013). Review of epidemiology and management of atrial fibrillation in developing countries. International Journal of Cardiology, 167(6), 241220. Shenasa, M., and Camm, A. J. (2015). Management of Atrial Fibrillation. Oxford University Press. Watson, T., Shantsila, E., and Lip, G.Y. (2009). Mechanisms of thrombogenesis in atrial fibrillation: Virchow's triad revisited. Lancet, 373(9658), 15566.
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